Loyal employees
What makes a loyal employee? At Yrausquin, employees are the most valuable resource. They show a visible, almost infectious passion for their work and have a positive attitude in personal interactions with others and with clients.
Devoted employees are committed to the success of the company. Believing that they are the most valuable asset, creates a healthy work atmosphere. This was Miguel Gutierrez Pedrosa’s motivation to stay with the company for a long time.
Miguel Gutierrez Pedrosa
Rubencito Yrausquin was the Managing Director when Miguel Gutierrez Pedrosa came to Aruba from Colombia and started working at Yrausquin since 1990. A devoted employee not only shows his best potential in the organization but always plans to stay long in the company and does not even actively search for new employment opportunities.
Miguel is currently working at Yrausquin for 32 years as a mechanic. He even rejected better job offers during this period. Ultimately, it’s the passion that truly drives him. He is undoubtedly an exemplary person and understands the values of the company.
Richard Every
Showing devotion is one of the best qualities of an employee and is what kept After-Sales Manager Richard Every for 15 years at Yrausquin. He loves the company’s mindset and mentality and feels that he is welcome. He is inspired by several things.
For example, Yrausquin invests in its employees, innovative ideas are motivated and appreciated, and Yrausquin has a family-friendly culture.
Loyalty in the workplace
The definition of loyalty in the workplace may have changed over the years, but the company knows how important it is to have motivated and engaged personnel in the workplace. Dedication and commitment are what transfer dreams into reality. Miguel Gutierrez Pedrosa most probably believes this.
Working at Yrausquin for more than three decades, helped him reach his goal of buying his own house. He loves the fellowship in the workplace and is extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with Yrausquin.
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